GlassShop Pro/Deluxe/Lookup XE/Quote System Updates
The following file download links are for the GlassShop Lookup
XE, Deluxe, Pro, versions of GlassShop. If you are a Manager
user, you are on the wrong page (click Back). None of these
are a demo program. They are all updates to existing systems and
will only work with activated versions of GlassShop.
You can check the version of your system by going to Help >
About this GlassShop System, and comparing the date on this page to
the date on this page. The system date will be in the About Screen.
Instructions for Downloading
This will take typically some time, so set aside some time right
Exit your GlassShop System (this is important!)
Click on the link to the update.
Click on run or save. If you save the update you will need to run
it after it has finished saving.
Once downloading has completed, you will see the familiar Data
Tranz install screen.
Install the update to c:\dextr (it should default here)
January 28, 2025
GlassShop System Update
for Lookup / Deluxe / Pro / Retail /
Full Client Install
If you get the error Table Open while trying to print, please take
the following steps.
1. Close GlassShop
2. Go to Computer or My Computer
3. Then double click on your C: Drive
4. Double click on the folder Dextr.
5. Find the file GLASSREP
6. Delete the file GLASSREP
DTCommService Update
this version in reverse order: |
- Changes to the billing a MISC Labors for Glaxis/Lynx
- Bolded Part Notes
- New Options for Looking up Documents
- Additional Options for looking up documents.
- Tweaks on demo program.
- Fix on saving customer names in Retail.
- Continued tweaking to Safelite EDI.
- Small changes to the navigation, with the schedule printing
window available under Orders.
- Deposits on work orders in retail now reflecting as they do
in AGR.
- New indicators for NAGS database extract date in About Screen
- NAGS hours and kits properly displaying on all printed forms,
- New ability to zoom to payments made on a work order or invoice,
- New verbiage to explain payments on work order and invoices,
- Deposit payments on work orders reflected on printed documents,
- Simplification of Safelite OEM part submission method,
- Change descriptions for misc parts and labor items while in
order entry window (good for Safelite EDI),
- More descriptive subject line for outgoing EDI emails,
- Changes to rendering of old-school kit part numbers for Safelite
- New options on retail order entry for printing pricing and totals
on documents.
- New options in account type setup.
- New options for printing with and without pricing on invoices.
- Changed refresh buttons on order lookup and eSchedule windows.
- Activated option to restrict sites in document lookup window.
- Enhanced stocking instructions report to include vendor id and
- Fixed issue on misc. labor taxation.
- Fix on compile time issue that forced saved_insured_invoice
- TIN on Invoice.
- Eliminates situation where a misc part set as nontaxable gets
- Fix on printed 8.5 X 11 quotes wording,
- Data revival utility following power outtage,
- Fix on default document previous issue,
- Fix on kit pricing remaining on printed document on first save.
- Refinements to the invoice total target feature.
- Enhanced default information for first time GlassShop Retail
- Fresh VIN Data,
- Ability to change document titles by account type.
- Major new feature addition: ability to print to PDF and email
Statements and Purchase Orders.
- Change to 100% discount for glass and hardware.
- Minor fix for Safelite kit quantities.
- Change to NAGS Labor hours; printing labor hours instead of
"1" when requested.
- Included Glaxis's First Notice of Loss.
- Addition of Glaxis button to Department 83.
- Copy down email address with ship to button on main order screen.
- Minor improvements to email list management.
- Electronic Notice of Loss through Glaxis functionality testing
at select retailers.
- Fix on printing.
- Expanded Email Functionality including emails for customers
and database export.Includes some historical information on NAGS.
- Updates to datatypes for Glaxis transactions.
- Many changes in preparation for large system updates that will
be made in the near future.
- Fix for adhesive part number for interchange parts with Safelite
- Payment utility window for system upgrades
- Changes to Technician setup - assign technician by site
- Several new sales by account type reports.
- Continuous refinements to the VIN database for VinXpress.
- Major upgrade on payment processing for XCharge Credit Card
Processing. Allows VOID of processed payment.
- Added new payment method, EFT
- Added new payment debit methods: void and refund.
- Updated all reports to reflect new methods.
- Fed Tax ID support for multiple and different locations for
- Additional parameters included to support multi-site installations.
- Option on 'don't show pricing'
- Date utilty on payment screen.
- Addition of subtotal field on main order entry screen.
- Minor change on apply payment screen to accomodate different
dates on deposit reports.
- On QuickBooks export: the inclusion of the work order number
in the customer comment field will not happen, as there is a hard
limit in QuickBooks on the number of messages!
- Includes several utility files which will help the system close
- Created corporate site, which is the location that access codes
for multiple site installations will check.
- Change to automated Glaxis polling
- Multiple site support for Deluxe and Pro
- You can delete incoming dispatches,
- The wording on the Work Order for "Collect this amount"
has the math completed for the promotion.
- Allows sending of "reference" number in PO field to
Glaxis rather than the regular GlassShop invoice number.
- Slightly shorter main data entry screen idealized for widescreen
- Item / Unit Cost on PO converting properly onto receiving documents.
- File conversion routine for Glaxis Damage Information File
- Alterations to Labor, Materials, Deductible, Promotion Report.
- Pilkington contact information window.
- Warning for changing shop specifications which could invalidate
access codes.
- Minor changes to rendering credits for repairs for Glaxis invoicing.
- Changes to demo mode in Retail System.
- Smaller font for shop addresses for the Florida work order and
- New navigation for Lookup and Deluxe system administrators for
accessing long lien notice for the Florida market.
- On purchase order receiving, ability to change costs and costs
- Change to Misc Parts on Glaxis sending to allow invoicing of
non-NAGS authorized parts.
- New report for purchasing by vendor.
- "Loosening" of some of the parameters of work assignments
to allow easier changes to net-priced parts.
- New small-font quotation printout,
- New understated work order printout,
- Database update and quality improvements to VINXpress Software,
- Create PDF documents to email quotes, work orders, and invoices,
- Changes to Salesperson report on deductibles and promotions,
- Slight re-work on Acknowledgement screen
- Support for New DTComm version for 1/14/2010
- Change to defaults file to only create "Live" transactions
- Receive Glaxis Work Assigments and eScheduled documents,
- Request online authorizations for Glaxis Work Assignments,
- Email Salesperson quotes, work orders, and invoices quickly
as an inline message
- Salesperson will not be changed if option to use logged in person
as salesperson is used even if account changed,
- New utility to remove demo data from scheduler setup,
- printed work order will print $0.00 when the actual amount is
$0.00 and not as invisible,
- New Config file for sending to the new Glaxis internet address.
- *** New *** Collections Management for Deluxe and Pro versions
of GlassShop.
- New work order form with expansive notices for highly regulated
states (such as Florida).
- Some inventory tracking enhancments.
- Minor change to invoicing for AUTH-MISC-LABOR as per instructions
from Glaxis.
- Some changes to Misc. Items on existing invoices after items
- New Deductible print options.
- Updated and Improved "Glaxis Invoice Acknowledgments"
screen with archiving and printed reports.
- Added feature: set all Miscellaneous parts to taxable or non-taxable
with a button push.
- HOT! New Integration with Pilkington North America for part
quotes and part ordering!
- NEW! Hotbuttons
for Speed!
- Larger Glaxis invoice acknowledgement window,
- Changes to labor and kit totaling when brought to zero,
- Changes to quantity extension on electronically invoiced items,
- Named hyperlink now appears on invoice acknowledment window
so you can see part errors, rather than just invoice errors.
- Note: NAGS Database download includes graphics, which will not
be on a separate download.
- New eTranz function: button functions on main order window allow
you to send emails and faxes quickly and easily.
- Changes
to Labor and Kit for "legacy" documents that use the
old way.
- Dispatch Lookup improved for invoices on Order Lookup Window.
- Revised navigation for Lookup XE customers
- Glaxis invoicing
and invoice acknowledgements.
- Alternative "mini" batch edit screen for changing
sales tax groups, edi accounts, etc. on accounts.
- Retail Feature: Change order order of chosen items.
- Auto Glass Feature: Change order of items on order screen.
- New Feature! Ability to change just the total on an invoice,
and all other parts are edited proportionately.
- Major feature upgrades for GlassShop Deluxe.
- New MapPoint integration, allowing Internet navigation straight
from your GlassShop screen.
- Various enhancements to GlassShop Retail.
- Change to printed quotes for customer as bill-to.
- Bracketed {} information on an account name will not print on
quotes, orders, invoices, or statements.
- Retail report fixes for multiple pages,
- Full VinXpress Support - Type in VIN and get NAGS Glass for
that vehicle,
- Destination of sales report box appears
- VinXpress database
- Zip Code Database - enter Zip, and City and State automatically
- Customer Name Lookup on Order Lookup restricts to that name
- New report for Sales by Account with last payment date, payments,
and original invoice amount.
- Roll-Back on Order Lookup Window Please send feedback to development@datatranz.com
- Added Account Number to Customer Export function
- Payment Date and Method on Invoice
- NEW! Account Sales History Report on Account Setup window.
- Changes to Materials column in sales reports.
- NEW! Sort Unpaid Invoice Report by the window's sort.
- Changes to Order Lookup Sorting Priorities.
- Small Change to Lookup by Customer Last Name, responding to
just a few letters
- Retail Systems have full access to payment screen.
- Routine repaired for "Do you want to resend this EDI Invoice?"
- New IP Address for FTP Sending
- On main order screen, reduced representation of hardware, and
increased the number of glass pieces.
- Classic screen works properly, when looking up an order.
- Minor modifications to the payment screen.
- Minor change to payment reports, so it prints without an invoice
an entire month.
- New Button for Retail that copies account information automatically
into the ship-to area.
- Introducing Credit Card Processing with More
- Some navigation changes for Lookup XE for Salesperson access
- Can now see retired tax groups
- Fix on custom verbiage for kits and labor
- Added query to user "Add Surcharge?" Option to the
automatic fuel surcharge option.
- Salesperson dialog is now different in Retail Order Entry and
on the Account Setup Screen.
- Customer note screen is editable, and can remain open during
ordering process.
- Customer details screen from the zoom button on the Retail Order
screen is available.
- Option to not apply discounts to misc items and misc labor automatically.
- Fuel Surcharge Option
- IP Address Change for Pro-Deluxe-Lookup XE for FTP sending of
- Changes to the QuickBooks export.
- Addition of the Account Name on the main order screen for automotive
which will alternate with the scheduled information.
- Minor change to Account Setup Page for EDI which allows you
to edit the EDI Account Number on the page.
- Changes to Retail Order Entry Screen to maintain Taxable status
on misc. items and misc. labor.
- Changes to the Retail Order Entry Screen to honor the original
order the items were entered into the system.
- New option to print more details on Sales Tax Reports
- Print Destination Window Added to the Sales Reports Generator,
- New Sorting Options for Unpaid Invoices in the Unpaid Invoices
- Added a E, K, U, and W to the alphabet on the Make Lookup window,
- Revised and updated the Tax Reporting screen,
- Under the Help menu item, new option to Rebuild (Series) which
will help to fix any corrupted file in GlassShop.
- Prints address1 and address2 on "no price" invoices.
- Fix on Remove for GlassShop Retail,
- New sales report with labor details and taxable sales,
- Includes ability to sort statements by NAME, rather than account
number when printing. Check box when printing.
- Improvements to the NAGS lookup, these include the elimination
of the word "interchange:" when not relevent, and the
addition of the NAGS Adhesive Quantity on the same line. The NAGS
adhesive quantity will follow the words: "QTY ADH:"
- New feature which allows you to automatically add a surcharge
to your job. Generally, businesses will charge a disposal fee,
fuel surcharge, etc. The surcharge calculates a percentage of
the subtotal of the invoice. Click here
to go to a page that will tell you how to do this.
- Slight changes to a custom text report
- Addition of Packing Slip printing along with Work Order Printing
when "Work Order Graphic with Inventory" chosen as the
option for printing work orders.
- Prints the inventory location for inventory in the warehouse
for work orders and packing slips.
- Fixes issue with the NAGS list for hardware printing the extended
rather than the list on invoices.
- Costs change automatically on PO when changing vendors.
- NEW: print unit costs for items on a purchase order.
9/16/2012 |
GlassShop Client Version 11.
Revert to
Following Changes for the Retail System
- "Don't Show Prices" checkbox now on main order
window. On work orders, this will not print prices, including
subtotal, tax, and total. On quotes and invoices, it will
supress the line item totals and print the subtotal, tax,
and total.
- Problem with "Selected item has been deleted by another
user" eliminated,
- Option to tax labor now works automatically,
- Default sorting options work now,
- In "show no prices" when an invoice is created,
the amount paid will show up in the description line,
- Verbiage fixed on the "show decimal equivalent"
on main order screen,
- Some modifications to Daily Deposit Screen
- Account percentage discounts now work,
- Default document type now works,
- End-date option for exporting to QuickBooks,
- and many other minor enhancements and fixes.