Choose the download that fits your operation:
Auto Glass Repair & Replacement Only
Typically, this operation will work with only vehicles,
and require the need for fast and accurate quoting using
the NAGS database, EDI billing, and maybe some accounts
receivable, scheduling, and inventory functions.
Auto Glass Repair & Replacement & Retail Glass
Especially these days, glass companies are diversifying
in order to capture many of the jobs that come in outside
their original focus.
Repair-Only Vehicle Glass
If you only do repairs, you do not need the NAGS database
to do EDI billing, or to have a professional presence
through the use of the first and only application developed
exclusively for the repair industry.
Retail / Flat Glass Only
If you are measuring and selling glass of any kind,
and you do not do anything with vehicles, a great solution
will be GlassShop Retail. Keep your operation on the
same page with multiple user versions, too.
Please note that we do track IP Addresses of those who are downloading.
These downloads are meant for businesses that are in the industry
in the United States. We consider these 'free' downloads, as we
do not charge for media or bandwidth. The download is free, but
the information contained is copyrighted and proprietary. The data
provided is tagged digitally, and we will prosecute to the full
extent of domestic and international law if you are found to be
utilizing any or part of the information provided herein for purposes
other than your own evaluation. If you are a consumer, you will
not find anything within our software that will enable you to shop
for better prices on your glass. We are a legitimate company, and
we would appreciate that you leave a real name and email address,
so we can follow up on our efforts. Thank You, and we appreciate
your time.